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 我的學生Eric 要我寫一些簡單的食譜…. Here you go…

我要介紹的是法國料理紅酒燉牛肉Beef Bourguignon,法語:Bœuf bourguignon)

煮法國料理是一件充滿樂趣的事,Beef Bourguignon紅酒燉牛肉是一道知名且傳統的法國食譜,也是在法國晚餐裡常見的主菜!



光選擇牛肉這個動作就不簡單,精挑細選後,我決定使選用了牛的臉頰肉、牛肋條及小腿肉(cheeks, ribs, shins),因為這些部份的肉較為結實,燉到爛熟柔嫩,入味的口感也一流! 


你可以在 Wikipedia 裡找到更詳細的食譜。

  對了!紅酒燉牛肉配上麵包, 味道很棒喔!我知道台灣人喜歡吃飯,當然你也可以配白飯!


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食譜 ( from )

 Ingredients (serves 6)

  • 1.5kg good-quality blade or chuck steak, trimmed of fat, cut into 3cm cubes
  • 1 bottle (750ml) good-quality red wine (merlot is ideal)
  • 2 tbs olive oil
  • 1 tbs unsalted butter
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 carrot, peeled, chopped
  • 150g pancetta, rind removed, cut into strips
  • 3 tbs (1/4 cup) plain flour
  • 1 cup (250ml) beef stock (preferably homemade)
  • 1 whole head of garlic, unpeeled
  • 12 eschalots, peeled
  • 300g button mushrooms
  • Bouquet garni

  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 sprig thyme
  • 2 sprigs parsley
  • 1 piece orange peel


  1. To make the bouquet garni, gather the herbs in a bundle, enclose the woody stems with orange peel and tie together with kitchen string.
  2. Place the diced beef and bouquet garni in a large non-metallic bowl and pour the red wine over the top. Cover with plastic wrap and leave to marinate in the fridge for at least 4 hours, but preferably overnight.
  3. Preheat oven to 160°C.
  4. Heat 2 teaspoons of the olive oil and half the butter in a large ovenproof casserole dish over medium heat, add the onion and carrot and cook for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally, or until softened. Add the pancetta and cook for a further 2 minutes, then set aside.
  5. Drain beef, reserving marinade, and pat dry on kitchen paper. Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a large frypan over high heat and brown beef in batches. Transfer beef to casserole with the onion mixture, sprinkle with flour and stir.
  6. Deglaze frypan with marinade, allow to bubble for 1-2 minutes, then add to casserole with the bouquet garni, stock and garlic. Bring to the boil, cover, then cook in oven for 1 1/2 hours.
  7. Meanwhile, heat the remaining butter and oil in a large frypan. Add the eschalots and cook over medium heat for 3-4 minutes or until light golden. Add the mushrooms and cook for a further 2 minutes to brown.
  8. Remove casserole from oven, stir in eschalots and mushrooms and season with salt and pepper. Return to the oven, covered, for a further hour. Remove bouquet garni and garlic before serving.
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