Hello! 最近負責翻譯Grace到農場工作了﹗,她那邊的網路比較不方便!所以就讓我Apple來幫忙熱心的Jass翻譯她為我們寫的英文教室!
我還是 level 4 的學生,所以有任何翻譯上的問題.....一定要留言給我哦﹗!謝謝大家!
Jass的英文教室又來了﹗! 這次Jass要教大家是澳洲的俚語....大家不要被一連串的英文嚇倒! 細心看一看.....你會覺得蠻好玩的﹗!
The Basics of Aussie Slang
G’day is hello, pronounced Gidday which is a shortened form of Good Day, and used mostly in informal situations.
More formally we would say Hello, Good Morning, Good Afternoon, or the likes.
Mate is Friend, mainly for males. Everyone in Australia is mate, so we would often say "G’day mate" or "Thanks mate".
For some reason Australians shorten words wherever possible, particularly peoples names. They are generally shortened to one syllable if possible, and then have a suffix added to the end. Here are a few examples:-
A Cup of Tea or Coffee becomes a Cuppa.
Angela becomes Angie.
Australian becomes Aussie
Barbecue become Barbie
Elizabeth becomes Lizzie
Football becomes Footy, pronounced with a soft "T" somewhere between T & D.
Burgess becomes Burgo
Johnathon becomes Johnno
Smoko means a break from work for a smoke, which now means a tea break even if you don’t smoke.
"zza" or just "z’
Marion become Mazza or Maz
Sharon become Shazza or Shaz
Warwick (me) becomes Wozza (which I hate) or Woz.
Australian Words and Phrases
· Arvo - Afternoon, "I'll be there this arvo."
· Aussie - (pronounced Ozzie) Australian
· G'day- Australian for hello
· Good on ya- Good job, good for you
· Lollies - Candy
· Mate- Friend
· No worries- No problem at all
· Ooroo- Goodbye
· Oy!- Hey!
· Oz- Australia
· Prezzies -Presents
· My shout - I'll pay this time
· Snag- Sausage
· Ta- Thanks
· You Right? May I help you? Do you need anything?